Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Run Those Hills

Need a little metabolism boost? Feeling blue because summer is nearly over?

Head out for a run tomorrow. No matter how short or how long -- just run!

While You're at it hit a hill.
The optimal hill to run hill repeats will take you between 60 and 90 seconds to reach the top. You should be panting at the top if you are really pushing yourself.

A Hill Workout For You:
  1. Warmup with a slow jog for 1-2 miles.
  2. Jog slowly up and down the hill a couple of times.
  3. You might even do walking lunges halfway up the hill then some exaggerated skips downhill.
  4. Now SPRINT up the hill, then slowly jog down to catch your breath.
  5. Start with sprinting the hill 4 times, then slowly progress to add more repeats over the next few weeks.
  6. Cool down with a slow 1 mile jog or brisk walk.


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